Interview with Donny Sirisavath, August 8, 2022

Becoming Texans, Becoming Americans
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00:00:00 - Introduction 00:00:33 - Growing up in Amarillo Texas

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Keywords: Amarillo; Laos; Texas; immigrants; immigration; refugees

00:01:42 - Refugee identity

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Keywords: English; Lao; Thai; bartering; cooking; food; language; refugee

00:03:34 - Mom's background in Laos 00:07:01 - Moving to San Antonio/ Sirisavath's mom opens Rama Garden Restaurant

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Keywords: Chinese cooking; Chinese restaurant; San Antonio; business; cooking; family; restaurant

00:09:35 - Family names 00:12:05 - Working at Rama Garden and Taste of the Orient

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Keywords: Chinese cooking; Chinese restaurant; cooking; family business; restaurant; wok

00:15:42 - Sirisavath describes learning Lao home cooking from his mom

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Keywords: Lao food; cooking; culture; family; food; home cooking; immigrant; laab; larb; papaya salad; recipes; refugee

00:17:23 - Balancing Lao culture and American culture

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Keywords: Asian flavors; bullying; culture; discrimination; food; immigrant; racism; sandwich

00:22:11 - How food bridges a gap in culture

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Keywords: Chinese food; Laos; Thai food; authentic; authenticity; cooking; culture; food; identity; restaurants

00:27:40 - Lao cooking and flavors

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Keywords: Lao cooking; Laos; fermentation; fish sauce

00:34:59 - Sirisavath describes his late teenage years

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Keywords: Asian restaurant; Bai Bua; Mexican food; Thai food; cookng; culture; identity; restaurant

00:39:26 - Working various jobs after leaving high school/Moving to Dallas 00:47:13 - Starting pop-ups/Opening Khao Noodle Shop

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Keywords: Asian food; Lao food; culture; food; house parties; pop-up; recipes; restaurants

01:04:12 - Finding a location for Khao Noodle Shop

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Keywords: Asian restaurant; Dallas; East Dallas; Khao Noodle Shop; Lao restaurant; real estate

01:08:11 - Khao Noodle Shop recognized by Bon Appetit magazine

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Keywords: Bon Appetit; Khao Noodle Shop; Lao food; Laos; business

01:20:01 - Sirisavath recognized by Food + Wine Magazine and James Beard Foundation

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Keywords: COVID; Food + Wine Magazine; James Beard Award; Lao Food Movement; Lao food; Laos; flu; pandemic

01:25:48 - Food and storytelling at Khao Noodle Shop

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Keywords: Khao Noodle Shop; authentic; bridge; cookng; food; storytelling

01:32:40 - Authenticity, identity, and cooking

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Keywords: Asian American; adaptation; authentic; authenticity; cooking; home cooking; identity; recipe

01:40:55 - Impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on Khao Noodle Shop

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Keywords: COVID; Food + Wine; Khao Noodle Shop; pandemic

01:47:19 - Opening Darkoo's Chicken Shack

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Keywords: Asian American; Asian flavors; bridge; food; fried chicken; recipes; restaurant

01:56:56 - Yelp/Social media reviews

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Keywords: Yelp; restaurant reviews; reviews; social media

02:11:03 - Sirisavath discusses the concept of "mom and pop" restaurants

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Keywords: Asian restaurant; Khao Noodle Shop; business; mom and pop; restaurant

02:14:32 - Sirisavath discusses his mentors