Interview with Aman Singh, September 22, 2022

Becoming Texans, Becoming Americans
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00:00:00 - Introduction 00:00:39 - Coming to Texas from India

Play segment

Keywords: Maryland; Texas; Virginia; immigration

00:02:31 - Starting to make kulfi as a family

Play segment

Keywords: Asian grocery; Indian immigrants; business; cooking; grocery store; ice cream; immigrants; immigration; jewelry; jobs; kulfi; racism; recipe

00:07:22 - Partnering with Fruititas Paleteria to make kulfi pops

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Keywords: Dallas; Fruititas; Raul Rodriguez; bridge; business; factory; ice cream; kulfi; popsicles

00:09:58 - Description of kulfi

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Keywords: India; Indian immigrants; cooking; flavor; ice cream; kulfi; milk; recipe

00:15:24 - Growth of Kaurina's Kulfi/Getting kulfi into Costco

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Keywords: Costco; Expo West; Kaurina's; business; factory; growth; ice cream; kulfi; trade show

00:25:29 - Building relationships with South Asian grocery stores/ Packaging and branding for different markets

Play segment

Keywords: Asian grocery; Costco; H-E-B; Indian community; Indian grocery store; Pakistani grocery store; Whole Foods; branding; community; grocery store; kulfi; marketing; packaging

00:30:35 - Kulfi as a distinct category of frozen dessert

Play segment

Keywords: India; Kaurina's; authentic; brand; cooking; ice cream; kulfi; mom and pop; recipe

00:33:56 - Coming up with the name "Kaurina's"

Play segment

Keywords: India; Indian; Kaurina's; Punjabi; Sikh; Singh; gender; kulfi

00:36:24 - Sourcing milk for Kaurina's Kulfi/ Kulfi making process

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Keywords: Hiland Dairies; dairy co-op; factory; freeze; milk; molds; packaging; pastuerizing; regulations; sourcing

00:39:53 - Renting a larger space in 2020

Play segment

Keywords: business; equipment; factory; rent

00:40:57 - Using social media and digital marketing to advertise Kaurina's Kulfi

Play segment

Keywords: CPG; advertising; growth; internet; kulfi; online; small business; social media; word of mouth

00:42:42 - Introducing kulfi to American palates

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Keywords: Costco; H-E-B; India; Whole Foods; culture; digital marketing; health; palate; social media; western palate

00:45:53 - Biggest challenges of moving kulfi into the mainstream

Play segment

Keywords: Whole Foods; brand; business; challenges; kulfi

00:47:41 - Flavors of kulfi 00:50:18 - Competition

Play segment

Keywords: business; competition; ice cream; kulfi

00:51:39 - Kaurina's as an American business

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Keywords: American; American experience; American identity; India; authentic; business; tradition

00:55:43 - Food and Culture

Play segment

Keywords: culture; food; immigrant; immigration; racism

00:59:05 - Challenges associated with COVID

Play segment

Keywords: COVID; employees; essential business; grocery store; mandates; pandemic; vaccines

01:02:19 - Immigrant customers' nostalgia for kulfi

Play segment

Keywords: immigrants; immigration; kulfi; nostalgia