Interview with Nikky Phinyawatana, May 9, 2022

Becoming Texans, Becoming Americans
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00:00:04 - Introduction

Play segment

Subjects: Asian Americans; Cooking, American; Cooking, Thai; Texas--History

00:00:34 - Returning to Dallas from Bangkok to attend The Hockaday School/ Childhood interest in cooking

Play segment

Subjects: Asian food; Bangkok; Chinatown; Dallas; English; Hockaday; Plano; Thai flavors; Thailand; baking; cooking; dim sum; food; fruits; language; markets; noodles; pho

00:13:56 - Studying Entrepreneur Studies at Babson College in Boston

Play segment

Keywords: Babson College; Boston; Chinatown; Chow Thai; Dalla; Korea House; Royal Thai; Thai restaurants; entrepreneur; food

00:17:35 - Returning to Dallas after 9/11 and joining family food delivery business

Play segment

Keywords: 9/11; American Airlines; Chili's; Dallas; Dalls College; Food Network; Thai Spice; business; culinary school; entrepreneur; food; karaoke

00:24:17 - Attending culinary school at Dallas College

Play segment

Keywords: Dallas College; chef; cleanliness; corporate; culinary school; food; front of the house; safety; sanitation

00:25:58 - Designing and opening Asian Mint

Play segment

Keywords: Asian Mint; Asian food; Chili's; Dalla Morning News; Guide; P.F. Changs; Pad See Ew; Pad Thai; Pei Wei; Thai food; Thai restaurants; alcohol; bakery; business; comfort food; cooking; dessert; egg roll; fried rice; fusion; green; hospitality; kung pao chicken; logo; marketing; menu; mongolian beef; newspapers; orange chicken; palate; summer rolls; tamarind; western palate; wine

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 32.92089644796654, -96.7718086441328
00:34:54 - Identifying as a "mom and pop" restaurant

Play segment

Keywords: Asian restaurant; Brinker; Chinatown; Dallas; High Five; Jewish; Richardson; Southern Methodist University; Texas Instruments; consistency; customers; expansion; flavors; growth; logo; marketing; mom and pop; neighborhood; regulars; training

00:41:48 - Philosophy of hospitality

Play segment

Keywords: Jewish; Thailand; culture; food; hospitality

00:42:59 - Choosing locations for Asian Mint restaurants

Play segment

Keywords: Dallas; Highland Park; Thai food; Thai restaurants; business; entrepreneur; expansion; growth; landlord; location; market research; restaurant; restaurants; sushi

00:52:59 - Building a team, systems, and processes for Asian Mint

Play segment

Keywords: business; entrepreneur; expand; expansion; growth; mom and pop; regulars; training

01:01:21 - Expanding Asian Mint to five locations

Play segment

Keywords: Addison; Asian Mint; COVID; community; cooking class; educate; education; expand; expansion; growth; motherhood; platform; social media; teaching

01:11:16 - Personal mission and platform

Play segment

Keywords: YouTube; brand; chef; educate; education; entrepreneur; internet; platform; supermarket; travel

01:18:37 - Reflections on "authenticity" and food

Play segment

Keywords: Asian food; Bangkok; Pad Thai; Thai flavors; Thai food; authentic; authenticity; barbecue; bridge; connections; culture; family; food

01:23:04 - Leading culinary retreats to Asia

Play segment

Keywords: Asia; Thailand; business; culture; educate; education; food; hospitality; regulars; travel

01:28:34 - Impact of COVID, tornado, and ice storm

Play segment

Keywords: Amazn; COVID; Dallas; community; cooking class; cooking kit; curbside; ice storm; labor; pivot; sauce; tornado; wok

01:36:47 - Asian Mint as a green restaurant

Play segment

Keywords: business; conscious capitalism; green; sustainability; sustainable; value

01:39:03 - Changes in the palate of the Dallas diner

Play segment

Keywords: Asian community; Asian flavors; Dallas; Thai flavors; barbecue; comfort food; cultural; culture; customers; education; food; fusion; palate; spicy; western palate